Wednesday, February 6, 2013

How did I do in January?

How did I do in January?

1. Gym 4 to 5 times a week! I can get a really good routine and then suddenly one day it disappears! This month I will make it to the gym 4-5 times a week!

I did okay on this! made it about 2-3 times

2. Start studying for my Real Estate Test! YES you heard that right! Back at the end of December I forked over $200 and ordered all the books and studying material. Due to the holidays and traveling they didn't get opened once! This month I will be studying!!

I didn't study as much as I would have liked but I did study some so that's better than nothing!!

3. Actually read my book clubs book!! Laura choose The School of Essential Ingredients! I am almost finished and have loved the entire book!! Can't wait to hear what the next one will be on Thursday!!

Did this!!

4. SAVE SAVE SAVE! I wont disclose the amount but in my head I have a number I would like to achieve by the end of January in my savings!!


5. Set money aside for a Cannon DSLR camera!! I love pictures and photography but my camera just isn't cutting it these days! My momma has a Cannon DSLR camera with a trillion lenses but I want my own so I can learn on it!!


6. Eat healthier!! Shop ahead, prep ahead!!

I did good at this during the week! The weekend no bueno!!

7. Blog more! I seriously love this blog! Thanks to Heidi I finally started one last year. I love being able to look back and see everything I have done and remember!

I did better!!

8. Print the year 2012 of my blog into a book!!

I didn't do this yet! It's all ready to order and ship but I didn't realize how much this would be!! Hopefully I will order in January!!

One thing I didn't list before was no alcohol in January not even one sip!! I am so happy to report back that I accomplished this 100% and it actually wasn't hard at all. Yes there were book club meetings I so wished I could have a glass of wine or that time I went to That Bar for Heidi's birthday and only had Diet Coke all night! But it was so so worth it!!! Might do this every year!!



  1. I love hearing how you're doing on these.

    1. I love doing these because I actually accomplish some of them! haha if I try and do it for a year I fail!

  2. Nicely done!

    P.S. I always love all the pink and gold in your posts. :)
